Sunday, 5 August 2007


Well the sun came out for the gay pride parade in the beautiful city of Stockholm. The Vodka Systems enrobed in our Scottish finery walked in the parade proudly carrying our Scottish flags. The atmosphere was fantastic and almost surreal. The sun shone down on us and an estimated 50,000 other marchers and the estimated 500,000 spectators! And you will never guess
what, we heard somone shouting "Martin!" from the sidelines, it was none other than the fabulous ANNA BOOK!! We couldn't believe it! Anna Book cheering us on from the crowd! How exceptionally schlagertastically fabulous! We arrived at the park and relaxed with more than a few pear ciders. Our kilts went down a storm, what fun. On the music front Margaret Berger was pretty good, although she never sang 'robot song', then it was Pay TV's turn - oh my god, they need some good lyrics desparately, good camp dance routines though. Linda Sundblad descided not to give us some hi energy pop music but decided to woo the crows with piano versions of 'oh father' and 'bimbo' which really showcased her voice, and a great voice it is too! Ru Paul was up next and the crowd were told not to take photos at the star's request, how diva-esque. So here's our exclusive picture! Three dress changes and a visable panty line
and far too many songs that nobody knew. The it was the turn of the stars of the night, BANANARAMA!!!!!!! Keren and Sarah and their two dancers worked their way though their biggest hits and managed to whip the sometimes unentusiastic crowd into a frenzy! It was gay fun all the way with our two lushes. Bananarama were almost like a parody of themselves, remember Lananenenoonoo? But all-in-all great entertainment. Special thanks go to Shona and Big Ingrid, Sven and partner, Peter and Ben, Jonathen and everyone else who made our visit so exceptional.

Copyright in all pictures owned by The Schlager Systems

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